Event Detail

Event Date/Time: 2024-03-15 11:58:01
Event Name: Upstream carrier call issues
Affected Service Group: All Service Groups
Impact Severity: Some Services
Current Status: Resolved

Event Messages

Date Time Message
2024-03-15 18:36:46 Optus have advised that the issue has been resolved and all services should have returned to normal operation. We'll monitor closely and re-open the event if there are any further issues.

Thank you for your patience, and apologies for the inconvenience.
2024-03-15 17:18:01 We've seen calls returning to normal over the last half hour, no official update yet but the issue appears to be resolved. I'll update again when I have more information.
2024-03-15 15:50:42 We've been advised that the issue still exists with some routes and some numbers but we should have full restoration within an hour.
2024-03-15 15:31:07 We're receiving mixed reports of the issue being resolved, please test and let us know if the problem still exists for your number.

We've had no official response from Optus of resolution yet.
2024-03-15 13:16:42 Optus have identified issues with calls routing into their numbers and are working to resolve it. I'll update here as soon as I have further information.
2024-03-15 11:58:01 We're seeing some calls failing across the Optus trunks, we're waiting on updates and will advise here as soon as we receive them.